Harvest Lakes Pharmacy

Late Night Pharmacy

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Blood Pressure Monitoring

Did you know that high blood pressure (hypertension) affects almost a third of Australians?**

High blood pressure can lead to heart problems, strokes and damage to other vital organs.  We can help you monitor your blood pressure and offer any advice and support needed to manage it.  

All adults are at risk of high blood pressure and it can often be present without any symptoms which means getting a check-up is so important.

Your blood pressure may be high if you:
  • are experiencing stress;
  • are overweight;
  • have a family history of high blood pressure;
  • smoke;
  • drink more than 2 standard alcoholic drinks per day.

Our blood pressure monitoring service is free and takes just a few minutes.  No appointment is necessary and is available at any time of the day.

**Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012

Pharmacy Near Me
After hours pharmacy Pharmacy

Harvest Lakes Pharmacy.  23 Gibbs Road, Atwell, Perth, WA, 6164

Phone: 086363 5841

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